Cycle 1

The Cycle I of Blue Abadi Fund is implemented in 2017 – 2018.

The amount of grant in Cycle I are

  • Primary Grant (Rp. 26,670,433,173 disbursed to 7 grantees)
  • Innovation Grant (Rp. 2,548,882,917 disbursed to 16 grantees)
Kabupaten Raja Ampat - Provinsi Papua Barat
  1. Patrol in 6 (six) Marine Protected Areas
  2. Monitoring of natural resources and utilization of natural resources in 6 (six) Marine Protected Areas
Yayasan Nazareth Papua (YNP)
Misool Utara, Kab. Raja Ampat-Papua Barat
  1. Capacity building for Duyung Friends Group through technical ToT
  2. Improvement of Monitoring and Patrol Teams through technical ToT
  3. PLH in North Misool and Sorong for Sunday School and Al-Qur’an Reading Gardens
  4. RAP survey for zoning planning in preparation for designating North Misool as a conservation area
  5. Establishment of the structure of the North Misool Customary Council as a conservation area
  6. MPA Training 101
  7. Monitoring and Patrol in North Misool
Yayasan Penyu Papua (YPP)
P. Piai dan P. Sayang , Kab. Raja Ampat-Papua Barat
  1. Patroli pesisir pantai di P. Sayang
  2. Pengawasan aktivitas orang-orang yang datang ke P.Piai
  3. Monitoring penyu pada malam hari dan pagi hari di P. Piai
  4. Pertemuan dengan para pemangku kepentingan untuk penataan pantai peneluran penyu di P. Sayang sebagai upaya mempertahankan keberlanjutan populasi Penyu Hijau di Raja Ampat
  5. Peningkatan kapasitas kelompok masyarakat penggiat konservasi penyu di Papua Barat
Yayasan Misool Baseftin (YMB)
Misool Selatan, Kab. Raja Ampat-Papua Barat
  1. Patrol and surveillance in 2 areas of NTZ South Misool (Misool and Daram)
  2. Survey of reef fish biomass and coral reef health in 2 NTZ areas (Misool and Daram)
  3. Community Based Waste Management (Garbage Bank)
  4. Increasing the quality of education for local communities
  5. Improved research and information center facilities (Research and Information Center, RIC)
  6. Management of local community support
  7. Independent and sustainable financial management
Universitas Papua (UNIPA)
Wilayah Bentang Laut Kepala Burung (BLKB) yaitu Raja Ampat, Manokwari dan Tambrauw
  1. Ecological monitoring in 5 marine conservation areas in BLKB
  2. Social monitoring in 2 marine conservation areas in BLKB
  3. Turtle monitoring and nest protection at Jeen Yessa and Jeen Womom Beaches
  4. Community empowerment and government capacity building
  5. Capacity building of conservation effort actors in BLKB
Kab. Raja Ampat - Provinsi Papua Barat
  1. The chartering of the Kalabian ships
  2. Institutional strengthening
  3. Study sailing program
KUB Maduni Putra
Kampung Mubraidiba , Kab. Manokwari-Provinsi Barat
  1. Improved turtle breeding infrastructure
  2. Maintenance of hatchlings
  3. Release of hatchlings
HMJ Ilmu Kelautan UNIPA
Perairan Teluk Doreri , Kab Manokwari-Papua Barat
  1. Garbage tagging to determine the source and distribution pattern of waste in the waters of the Teluk Doreri
Perkumpulan Mnukwar Papua
Kampung Reisei, Torey, dan Isei, Kab. Manokwari-Papua Barat
  1. Increased awareness and role of the camp community. Reisei, Camp. Torey and Ise Camp in protecting and preserving mangroves
  2. Mangrove rehabilitation and monitoring through women’s volunteer groups
Kelompok Anak Air Manokwari (KAAM)
Kel. Sanggeng, Kel. Manokwari Barat, Kel. Padarni, Kel. Pasir Puti dan Kamp. Mansinam , Kabupaten Manokwari-Papua Barat
  1. Socialization of the impact of marine debris
  2. Cleaning garbage from the sea surface of Sawaibu Bay
  3. Provision of garbage collection basins on the Sawaibu Bay Coast
  4. Waste management training
Konsorsium Mitra Bahari (KMB)
Kab. Manokwari dan Kab. Kaimana - Papua Barat
  1. Preparation of the Primary Level Maritime Education Module
  2. Providing maritime education materials, especially in the Bird’s Head Seascape
  3. Marine and maritime conservation exhibition
Mahasiswa Pecinta Alam (UNIPA)
Kamp. Sidey & Kamp. Kaironi Kab Manokwari- Papua Barat
  1. Inisiasi lokasi penangkaran kupu-kupu dan hatchery dengan masyarakat pemilik ulayat dan BBKSDA Papua Barat
  2. Pelatihan teknik perkembangbiakan, manajemen penangkaran, pasca panen, dan pemasaran kupu-kupu
  3. Pelatihan teknik relokasi sarang telur penyu
  4. Pembangunan fasilitas penangkaran kupu-kupu
  5. Pembangunan hatchery penyu
  6. Pembangunan papan informasi perlindungan penyu
  7. Penangkaran kupu-kupu dan perawatan
  8. Relokasi sarang telur dan perawatan hatchery penyu
Yayasan Raja Ampat Sea Center
Kamp. Arborek, Kamp. Yenbuba, Kamp. Sauwandarek, dan Kamp. Meos Mansar, Kab. Raja Ampat-Papua Barat
  1. Rehabilitation of coral reefs and construction of artificial corals.
  2. Increased capacity of Marine Park staff in implementing tourism regulations based on Regional Regulations (Perda) in 3 surrounding villages
Yayasan Raja Ampat Sea Centre
Kamp. Arborek, Kamp. Yenbuba, Kamp. Sauwandarek, dan Kamp. Meos Mansar, Kab. Raja Ampat-Papua Barat
  1. Rehabilitation of coral reefs and construction of artificial corals.
  2. Increased capacity of Marine Park staff in implementing tourism regulations based on Regional Regulations (Perda) in 3 surrounding villages
Kelompok Masyarakat Konservasi Penyu Belimbing (POKMAS KUMEP)
Kampung Yenbekaki, Kab. Raja Ampat-Papua Barat
  1. Rehabilitation of coral reefs and construction of artificial corals.
  2. Increased capacity of Marine Park staff in implementing tourism regulations based on Regional Regulations (Perda) in 3 surrounding villages
Yayasan Eco Raja Ampat Lestari (CORERI)
Kamp. Waisai dan Kamp Saporkren, Kab. Raja Ampat-Papua Barat
  1. Campaign for waste management
  2. Operations of the United Waisai Waste Bank
  3. Establishment of a Waste Bank in Saporkren Tourism Village
Himpunan Pramuwisata Indonesia (HPI), Dewan Pimpinan Cabang Raja Ampat
Waisai, Kepulauan Fam, Arborek, dan Fafanlap, Kab. Raja Ampat-Papua Barat
  1. Training guide regarding safety for guests
  2. Training guide on protected animals / charismatic animals both land and sea in Raja Ampat
  3. Sustainable Tourism Training
  4. English course for local guides
Yayasan Mange Mange Papua
Kamp. Tugarni, Kamp. Afu Afu, Kamp. Bayeda dan Kamp. Moyana, Kab. Kaimana-Papua Barat
  1. Mapping of mangrove areas and identifying search for mangrove crabs in South Sorong and Arguni, Kaimana
  2. Counseling, compilation and training of SOP for Mud Crab Management
  3. Preparation of PERKAM on mangrove crab management
  4. Survey the mud crab market
  5. Compilation of learning books on mangrove crab management
Yayasan Pengelolaan Lokal Kawasan Laut Indonesia (Indonesia Locally Managed Marine Area--ILMMA)
Kepulauan Padaido dan Kepulauan Supiori, Kabupaten Biak-Papua
  1. Community assistance in implementing sustainable Marine Area Management (PLKL) regulations in the Padaido Islands, Eastern Biak and West Biak (30 villages)
  2. Developing a sustainable Marine Area Local Management (PLKL) model in 20 new villages (Supiori District and Biak Numfor District)
Komunitas Peduli Sungai Remu
Remu Utara, Kota Sorong-Papua Barat
  1. Greening the upstream area of the Remu River
  2. Encourage the designation of the Remu River catchment area as a protected area.
  3. Optimizing river schools
  4. River Jamboree
  5. Optimization of the river as a tourist attraction through a rowing boat competition while collecting garbage
  6. Socialization and clean-up of the Remu River
  7. Installation of prohibition boards for throwing garbage and waste into the Remu River, Perumnas River and Victory River.
Bank Sampah Sorong Raya (KABASRA)
Kota Sorong, Kab. Sorong & Misool , Kab. Raja Ampat - Papua Barat
  1. Increased production of paper and plastic press.
  2. Increased electricity capacity in processing warehouses
  3. Increased productivity of waste sorting
  4. Training and making souvenirs from plastic sachets and waste wood
  5. Training and making souvenirs from glass bottle waste
  6. Promotion and Sales of 3R Products
  7. Strengthening the 3R campaign (reduce, reuse, recycle) through the “Waste Warrior” Program
Kelompok Usaha Wisata Wadowun Beberin
Kamp. Aisandami, Distrik Teluk Duairi, Kab. Teluk Wondama-Papua Barat
  1. Construction of tree houses and bird watching posts of Cenderawasih
  2. Construction of treckking routes at the Bameti Kali Worongon location
  3. Making community attraction clothing
  4. Promotion and marketing of Aisandami Village Tour packages to the Provincial Government. West Papua, Regency Government. Nabire, other parties (Hotel Aston, Swissbel, Billy Jaya and Hadi Supermarket)