The Cycle I of Blue Abadi Fund is implemented in 2017 – 2018.
The amount of grant in Cycle I are
- Primary Grant (Rp. 26,670,433,173 disbursed to 7 grantees)
- Innovation Grant (Rp. 2,548,882,917 disbursed to 16 grantees)
Kabupaten Raja Ampat - Provinsi Papua Barat
- Patrol in 6 (six) Marine Protected Areas
- Monitoring of natural resources and utilization of natural resources in 6 (six) Marine Protected Areas
Yayasan Nazareth Papua (YNP)
Misool Utara, Kab. Raja Ampat-Papua Barat
- Capacity building for Duyung Friends Group through technical ToT
- Improvement of Monitoring and Patrol Teams through technical ToT
- PLH in North Misool and Sorong for Sunday School and Al-Qur’an Reading Gardens
- RAP survey for zoning planning in preparation for designating North Misool as a conservation area
- Establishment of the structure of the North Misool Customary Council as a conservation area
- MPA Training 101
- Monitoring and Patrol in North Misool
Yayasan Penyu Papua (YPP)
P. Piai dan P. Sayang , Kab. Raja Ampat-Papua Barat
- Patroli pesisir pantai di P. Sayang
- Pengawasan aktivitas orang-orang yang datang ke P.Piai
- Monitoring penyu pada malam hari dan pagi hari di P. Piai
- Pertemuan dengan para pemangku kepentingan untuk penataan pantai peneluran penyu di P. Sayang sebagai upaya mempertahankan keberlanjutan populasi Penyu Hijau di Raja Ampat
- Peningkatan kapasitas kelompok masyarakat penggiat konservasi penyu di Papua Barat
Yayasan Misool Baseftin (YMB)
Misool Selatan, Kab. Raja Ampat-Papua Barat
- Patrol and surveillance in 2 areas of NTZ South Misool (Misool and Daram)
- Survey of reef fish biomass and coral reef health in 2 NTZ areas (Misool and Daram)
- Community Based Waste Management (Garbage Bank)
- Increasing the quality of education for local communities
- Improved research and information center facilities (Research and Information Center, RIC)
- Management of local community support
- Independent and sustainable financial management
Universitas Papua (UNIPA)
Wilayah Bentang Laut Kepala Burung (BLKB) yaitu Raja Ampat, Manokwari dan Tambrauw
- Ecological monitoring in 5 marine conservation areas in BLKB
- Social monitoring in 2 marine conservation areas in BLKB
- Turtle monitoring and nest protection at Jeen Yessa and Jeen Womom Beaches
- Community empowerment and government capacity building
- Capacity building of conservation effort actors in BLKB
Kab. Raja Ampat - Provinsi Papua Barat
- The chartering of the Kalabian ships
- Institutional strengthening
- Study sailing program
KUB Maduni Putra
Kampung Mubraidiba , Kab. Manokwari-Provinsi Barat
- Improved turtle breeding infrastructure
- Maintenance of hatchlings
- Release of hatchlings
HMJ Ilmu Kelautan UNIPA
Perairan Teluk Doreri , Kab Manokwari-Papua Barat
- Garbage tagging to determine the source and distribution pattern of waste in the waters of the Teluk Doreri
Perkumpulan Mnukwar Papua
Kampung Reisei, Torey, dan Isei, Kab. Manokwari-Papua Barat
- Increased awareness and role of the camp community. Reisei, Camp. Torey and Ise Camp in protecting and preserving mangroves
- Mangrove rehabilitation and monitoring through women’s volunteer groups
Kelompok Anak Air Manokwari (KAAM)
Kel. Sanggeng, Kel. Manokwari Barat, Kel. Padarni, Kel. Pasir Puti dan Kamp. Mansinam , Kabupaten Manokwari-Papua Barat
- Socialization of the impact of marine debris
- Cleaning garbage from the sea surface of Sawaibu Bay
- Provision of garbage collection basins on the Sawaibu Bay Coast
- Waste management training
Konsorsium Mitra Bahari (KMB)
Kab. Manokwari dan Kab. Kaimana - Papua Barat
- Preparation of the Primary Level Maritime Education Module
- Providing maritime education materials, especially in the Bird’s Head Seascape
- Marine and maritime conservation exhibition
Mahasiswa Pecinta Alam (UNIPA)
Kamp. Sidey & Kamp. Kaironi Kab Manokwari- Papua Barat
- Inisiasi lokasi penangkaran kupu-kupu dan hatchery dengan masyarakat pemilik ulayat dan BBKSDA Papua Barat
- Pelatihan teknik perkembangbiakan, manajemen penangkaran, pasca panen, dan pemasaran kupu-kupu
- Pelatihan teknik relokasi sarang telur penyu
- Pembangunan fasilitas penangkaran kupu-kupu
- Pembangunan hatchery penyu
- Pembangunan papan informasi perlindungan penyu
- Penangkaran kupu-kupu dan perawatan
- Relokasi sarang telur dan perawatan hatchery penyu
Yayasan Raja Ampat Sea Center
Kamp. Arborek, Kamp. Yenbuba, Kamp. Sauwandarek, dan Kamp. Meos Mansar, Kab. Raja Ampat-Papua Barat
- Rehabilitation of coral reefs and construction of artificial corals.
- Increased capacity of Marine Park staff in implementing tourism regulations based on Regional Regulations (Perda) in 3 surrounding villages
Yayasan Raja Ampat Sea Centre
Kamp. Arborek, Kamp. Yenbuba, Kamp. Sauwandarek, dan Kamp. Meos Mansar, Kab. Raja Ampat-Papua Barat
- Rehabilitation of coral reefs and construction of artificial corals.
- Increased capacity of Marine Park staff in implementing tourism regulations based on Regional Regulations (Perda) in 3 surrounding villages
Kelompok Masyarakat Konservasi Penyu Belimbing (POKMAS KUMEP)
Kampung Yenbekaki, Kab. Raja Ampat-Papua Barat
- Rehabilitation of coral reefs and construction of artificial corals.
- Increased capacity of Marine Park staff in implementing tourism regulations based on Regional Regulations (Perda) in 3 surrounding villages
Yayasan Eco Raja Ampat Lestari (CORERI)
Kamp. Waisai dan Kamp Saporkren, Kab. Raja Ampat-Papua Barat
- Campaign for waste management
- Operations of the United Waisai Waste Bank
- Establishment of a Waste Bank in Saporkren Tourism Village
Himpunan Pramuwisata Indonesia (HPI), Dewan Pimpinan Cabang Raja Ampat
Waisai, Kepulauan Fam, Arborek, dan Fafanlap, Kab. Raja Ampat-Papua Barat
- Training guide regarding safety for guests
- Training guide on protected animals / charismatic animals both land and sea in Raja Ampat
- Sustainable Tourism Training
- English course for local guides
Yayasan Mange Mange Papua
Kamp. Tugarni, Kamp. Afu Afu, Kamp. Bayeda dan Kamp. Moyana, Kab. Kaimana-Papua Barat
- Mapping of mangrove areas and identifying search for mangrove crabs in South Sorong and Arguni, Kaimana
- Counseling, compilation and training of SOP for Mud Crab Management
- Preparation of PERKAM on mangrove crab management
- Survey the mud crab market
- Compilation of learning books on mangrove crab management
Yayasan Pengelolaan Lokal Kawasan Laut Indonesia (Indonesia Locally Managed Marine Area--ILMMA)
Kepulauan Padaido dan Kepulauan Supiori, Kabupaten Biak-Papua
- Community assistance in implementing sustainable Marine Area Management (PLKL) regulations in the Padaido Islands, Eastern Biak and West Biak (30 villages)
- Developing a sustainable Marine Area Local Management (PLKL) model in 20 new villages (Supiori District and Biak Numfor District)
Komunitas Peduli Sungai Remu
Remu Utara, Kota Sorong-Papua Barat
- Greening the upstream area of the Remu River
- Encourage the designation of the Remu River catchment area as a protected area.
- Optimizing river schools
- River Jamboree
- Optimization of the river as a tourist attraction through a rowing boat competition while collecting garbage
- Socialization and clean-up of the Remu River
- Installation of prohibition boards for throwing garbage and waste into the Remu River, Perumnas River and Victory River.
Bank Sampah Sorong Raya (KABASRA)
Kota Sorong, Kab. Sorong & Misool , Kab. Raja Ampat - Papua Barat
- Increased production of paper and plastic press.
- Increased electricity capacity in processing warehouses
- Increased productivity of waste sorting
- Training and making souvenirs from plastic sachets and waste wood
- Training and making souvenirs from glass bottle waste
- Promotion and Sales of 3R Products
- Strengthening the 3R campaign (reduce, reuse, recycle) through the “Waste Warrior” Program
Kelompok Usaha Wisata Wadowun Beberin
Kamp. Aisandami, Distrik Teluk Duairi, Kab. Teluk Wondama-Papua Barat
- Construction of tree houses and bird watching posts of Cenderawasih
- Construction of treckking routes at the Bameti Kali Worongon location
- Making community attraction clothing
- Promotion and marketing of Aisandami Village Tour packages to the Provincial Government. West Papua, Regency Government. Nabire, other parties (Hotel Aston, Swissbel, Billy Jaya and Hadi Supermarket)